Tag Archives: You know that you are human

24 to 26 December

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I wanted to see the exhibition “You know that you are human” in Zionskirche. According to their website, they were going to be open on 24 December. With the usual German IT resistance they “forgot” to add that in fact they were not. I guess switching on a device with that kind of access would have been too much of an inconvenience. This happens a lot in IT angst Germany and is occasionally driving me insane.

Still, it made me walk about 8 km in total on a day where I would normally have decided the weather was a little too miserable to go out, so the day was not wasted.

On 25 December, I was supposed to go for a 15 km walk, outside of Berlin so some travelling would have been involved as well, but the fog, which has plagued us most days since I came back from SPO, was thicker than ever, so I chickened out and went for a short walk to my local cemetery instead.