I am not going to stop till I get a response

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Time to recap what I have already outlined in several previous posts. Perhaps if I link to the entrepeneur, Cresco Real Estate, often enough, somebody will finally respond.

Cresco Real Estate

Some time during the first half of 2019, we were informed that a scaffolding would be constructed at the end of the neighbouring building, that it would be there for six to eight months, and that it would NOT directly affect our balconies.

Cresco Real Estate

The scaffolding was constructed during June 2019, and before the end of the summer, the work for which it had been constructed was completed (it had created an unholy mess on my balcony, but that is another story).

Cresco Real Estate

Three important factors are 1) that that part of the scaffolding is not linked to the original scaffolding around that building. It was put up much later, and could therefore also be removed without affecting the original scaffolding. 2) It has not been used for anything at all since late last summer. And 3) As far as I can see, when they get around to repairing that part of the building, they will need to take the scaffolding down anyway and use another one.

Cresco Real Estate

So that was one summer partially ruined, for which we were promised financial compensation – money that we have not seen or heard of since then, but it is also not really my point. I would rather have had the full use of my balcony all this year.

Cresco Real Estate

Fast-forward to February-March this year, when we all started to look forward to getting rid of the scaffolding and thus get a lot more daylight on our balconies and in our homes.

Cresco Real Estate

Nothing happened. On 7 April, in an e-mail to Cresco Real Estate, and to our Hausverwaltung, Schön & Sever, I asked when we could expect the scaffolding to be removed, enabling us to fully enjoy the priviledge of having a balcony, especially this year, where we have to stay at home much more than normally. I re-sent the e-mail a week or two later. I have not yet received a reply (as of 21 July).

Cresco Real Estate

A couple of weeks ago, some workers suddenly appeared on the scaffolding, raising my hopes that it would now be removed, but they only removed one little component, which caused part of the net to fall on my balcony. They did not bother to pick it up, but left soon after. I had to get out my ladder and a hefty pair of scissors to remove it.

Cresco Real Estate

Meanwhile, the scaffolding has now been there for 13 months, not six to eight months which we were initially informed, and the best part of the second summer partially ruined. How much longer will we have to look at this eyesore, and how much longer will it be stealing valuable daylight, for no purpose whatsoever. Both Cresco Real Estate and Schön & Sever are still refusing to answer this question.

By the way, did I mention that the entrepreneur is Cresco Real Estate?

One more thing – especially this year, where socialising is so limited, it would have been ideal to be able to invite one or two visitors for brunch or lunch or coffee or whatever, on the balcony from time to time. Obviously, the way that looks now, this is not really possible.

Cresco Real Estate

As if the often infernal noise was not bad enough, but that is unavoidable so everybody tries to just ignore it . (Unlike the inexplicable shouting and singing which starts shortly after 6AM, and the loud “music” being played at intervals during the day, but our complaints about that are largely ignored),

Cresco Real Estate

But THE most frustrating thing is the fact that my questions about it are studiously ignored, both by Cresco Real Estate and by Schön & Sever who both still refusing to respond.

Cresco Real Estate