Category Archives: The Balcony that “would not be affected”

This category is about one of the biggest lies that has ever been told to me and the balcony of which I have not had the full use since mid-2019.

Hallo neighbour

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Long time no see. You looked a lot better clad in scaffolding. I had forgotten quite how unbelievably ugly you really are.

But I will never forget being deprived of the use of my balcony for two years – in mid pandemic where it would have been really nice to be able to use one’s own balcony. Not to mention the repeated cleaning up each time a load of various types of debris – and cigarette stubs (!) – had been thrown onto the balcony, and each time layers of some kind of dust covered EVERYTHING on it. All documented here: “The balcony that would not be affected”. And the lack of light – again – during the pandemic!! – in my living room because of the scaffolding. After I had been told that my balcony would not be affected. As far as I know the biggest lie ever told to me.

Victoria Berlin

Cresco Real Estate

The scaffolding (yes – THAT scaffolding – again-again)

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I had been wondering why it was still there when these two suddenly appeared :-). So at least it is being used and is not there for no reason at all.

A little bit of progress, and some comments for the post mortem – if there is ever going to be one

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The work on the wall is finished and the mats were finally removed.

I – yet again – spent about half a day trying to clean up after the most recent work. Specks of white pain all over the balcony, including on the furniture, relatively easy to remove, but time consuming.

The glue from the tape with which they fastened the mats can probably be removed, but I don’t know how.

I have also started removing splashes of cement from a while ago now that I know that Cresco never had any intention of removing them. They are harder to remove, but with time, I guess I just have to get it done.

One type of stain will never go away. They are on the wall as well as on the floor and seem to have somehow seeped into the surfaces.

I would like to add that the floor of my balcony, as well and parts of the wall, for example as seen in photo number 3, had been freshly coated just before this whole thing started.

The – for us – most claustrophobic part of the scaffolding is still there, despite the fact that it no longer seems to be needed. It was added independently of the main scaffolding, and could therefore be removed independently of the main scaffolding so as not to ruin more of the summer for us than necessary.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

Still no reply to e-mail sent 17 days ago

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(Continuation of the saga about the balcony “that would not be affected”, and the biggest lie ever told to me).

That part of the scaffolding (which is separate from the rest of the scaffolding as it was built much later) has now been there for two years, and those disgusting mats have been there for three months, for no apparent reason other than restricting my use of the balcony even further.

My question is now (yeah right, as if I ever receive any replies to my questions on this matter) – will this be the third whole summer season that I am unable to use my balcony fully? And the second whole summer season that I can’t invite visitors (2019 and 2021 – luckily for them there were other reasons why I could not invite people over during 2020 ……).

(All previous posts here:

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

E-mail to Cresco with copy to Schön & Sever sent a week ago

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Subject line: Baustelle Victoriahöfe und die größte lüge die mir je erzählt wurde

Guten Tag,

Ich schreibe, um zu fragen, wie lange ich meinen Balkon noch nicht voll nutzen kann.

Auf der Eigentümerversammlung Anfang 2019 wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass unsere Balkone von der Sanierung der Victoriahöfe nicht betroffen sein würden.

Seitdem hätte nichts weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein können. Schutt und sonstiger Dreck wurde auf meinen Balkon geworfen und verspritzt, wertvolles Licht gestohlen und mein Wohnzimmer durch das Gerüst viel dunkler als sonst. Ich habe die Wohnung wegen des Balkons und des Lichts gekauft, aber jetzt sind wir in der dritten Sommerhalbjahr, wo ich sie nicht nutzen kann. (Alles ist hier dokumentiert: Vor sechs/sieben Wochen erschien dieses Material wie im Foto. Das gab mir Hoffnung, dass es endlich eine Entwicklung geben würde, aber seitdem ist nicht viel passiert, außer immer mehr Dreck, sowie Zigarettenstummel, die nur von der Baustelle stammen können.

Ich würde jetzt gerne wissen, wie lange das alles noch dauert, bis ich endlich wieder meine Balkon völlig benutzen kann. Und diesmal bitte die Wahrheit.

Danke im Voraus.

Have I received a reply? Don’t be silly. They don’t care. They are renovating a building “unter Dekmalschutz” and can do whatever they like. And out Hausverwaltung is fully on their side.

Has anything happened? Well, there are signs that they are now actually working on this end and this side of the building. But I have thought that before, and then all of a sudden everything went completely quiet again. For months and months.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

Their unbelievable arrogance and indifference and lies

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This disgusting mess has now been there for about three weeks for no apparent reason or purpose other than to make the place look even uglier and restrict my use of my balcony even more than they already have done for two years now. I am sick and tired of looking at it. I can’t believe the way they feel entitled to do this to others for so long. And I am completely powerless. Even our Hausverwaltung is on their side. They are renovating a building which is under “Denkmalschutz” which means they can do whatever they like to neighbouring buildings. For years and years.

My only “light at the end of the tunnel” right now is that by the time I have been vaccinated (1 July plus two weeks) hotels and holiday homes in Germany will be open so I can get out of this place and spend a couple of months at the North Sea, and return fit to face another autumn, winter, spring …..? without a balcony and with all this ugliness to look at.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

One of the few things I miss about Denmark ….

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One of the few things I miss about Denmark – apart from my brother and his family, and the proximity to the sea – is the relative honesty. I am not saying everybody in Denmark is pure as the driven snow, and that there are no bad apples, but growing up, I was practically brainwashed to believe that lying – for whatever reason – Is. Not. An. Option. Period. It just makes life easier when you can, on the whole, believe what others are telling you, and vice versa.

Not that making life easier is a thing in Germany. Just look at the garbage disposal system designed to be as cumbersome as possible – a small thing but a daily annoyance. The door to the general garbage bins binds, and has done all the time I have been living here, to the point that I am sometimes unable to open it, even when doing the shoulder-and-all-of-my-not-unsubstantial-weight-on-it thing. To dispose of paper/carton and bottles in separate bins, you have to drag the bins out in order to ease the stuff in, and then push the bin back in. Although I am old, I am not that weak yet, but I still ask myself almost every day what country and which century I am in when things are designed to be so difficult to everybody other than the youngest and strongest.

Anyway, that was a side track. So I was not overly used to being lied to, and I am also blessed with a healthy skepticism, but I have still been lied to, often in small matters which I have noted and forgotten, and often in matters that I did not see at the time, just realised later, and either added them to my mental list of people who are mendacious and unreliable, or brushed them off as not important . I will use the example of the renovations next door to make my point.

Far be it for me to glorify Denmark (after all, there are many reasons I am not living there …) but had that type of renovation been carried out in Denmark, I am quite sure that:

  • They would not have told us that the part of the scaffolding which is almost ON our balconies would be there for six to eight months, when they obviously knew it would be at least four times that amount of time;
  • They would not have told us that our balconies would not be affected, when in my case that could not have been further from the truth (the other balconies, all directly underneath mine, have been suffering from lack of light and the claustrophobia of having the scaffolding there but they have not to my knowledge been constantly plagued by thick layers of dust, rubble falling on to balcony and furniture, cigarette burns on one of my chairs, a severe reduction of sunlight compared to what they normally get, etc. etc., all chronicled in this category of posts. Now for almost two years and counting.
  • They would not have muttered about financial compensation just to appease us temporarily, unless they actually intended to pay it, which, as there has been no mention of that since the meeting where it was told to us verbally (that is the other thing here: whatever you do or say, make sure there is no documentation ……) early in 2019, that was obviously also just to make us go home without asking uncomfortable questions. Not that it matters since nothing will bring back two, soon-to-be three ruined summers. I know that to many, a balcony is not that important, but it is to me, and as I have mentioned before, it was one of the main reasons I bought this flat. Had it been smaller, or not on top and normally flooded in light, I would probably not have bought this flat.

I now know why there is so much distrust and suspicion in this society. It is because everybody knows that they and everybody else lie whenever that is the most convenient solution in the moment. Just something to get used to.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

To Cresco Capital Group

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(Previous posts on the subject can be found here).

Two cigarette stubs miraculously disappeared, and then two new ones appeared.

As a complete coincidence, I saw one of them – still lit. It is raining today, so the fire hazard is minimal, but the material you placed there about a week ago, apparently for no other reason than to make my balcony look even uglier and restrict my use of it even further, to me looks highly flammable when it is dry.

You obviously consider my balcony nothing more than an ashtray for your workers, (and thanks to you, my flat is worth nothing these years), but it is my home, and believe it or not, despite everything, I love it. So please try not to burn down the house.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

No more progress. The more than two-year-old nightmare continues

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You would think that the least they could do was refrain from throwing cigarette stubs on my balcony as an added insult. I thought that had stopped after I complained about it some months ago, when I also found burn holes in one of the chair on the balcony. But no. Of course not.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten

Progress on “the balcony that would not be affected”?

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Previous posts on this subject are here:

The promise that my balcony would not be affected was made in a meeting between administrator and owners about two years ago, and is to this day the biggest lie anyone has ever told me. I think it was in the same meeting that we were promised some kind of compensation. I did not pay much attention since the amount was negligible – actually on hindsight completely pitiful – and I just thought yeah yeah whatever since my balcony “would not be affected”. In any case, there has been no mention of that compensation since then, so that was probably just another lie.

The other day, I had just cleaned the balcony floor and shelves for I don’t know which time, and suddenly it looked like this again:

So I cleaned up again, just in time for them to turn up and place some covering there, so now it looks like this:

I guess this qualifies as progress, unless they leave it like that for another couple of years.

But for now, I am keeping up hope. Having the full use of my balcony back would be far more important to me than receiving the COVID19 vaccine. The vaccine would not make a big change to my current lifestyle anyway. I would still have to adhere to most restrictions, including my own, and masks will be required for many months to come, and besides, with the new mutations spreading from banana republics such as Brazil and India, the current vaccines are not going to be much good for anybody in the longer term.

Being able to use my balcony, not to mention the fact that if they finally finish work on that wall, that part of the scaffolding can be removed, and I will get the daylight back which it is currently stealing and has been for almost two years now. All that would hugely enhance my quality of life.

And by the way, the size of the balcony and the light were among the main reasons I bought this flat.

Schön & SeverCresco Capital GroupVictoriahöfeGBP Architekten