Tag Archives: BVG

From S Bhf Johannisthal to the Christmas Market in Rudow (or – that was the plan)

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Sunday walk organised by Lisa K.

I had signed up for the walk because according to the weather forecast, it would be sunny. I should have known that it would have been better to stay in bed 🙂 when I saw the actual weather:

It looked enchanting enough from indoors, but as I made my way towards Johannisthal, it turned out to be dark, foggy, wet, and of course cold (minus 7C).

And by the time I got to S Johannisthal, it had only gotten worse, and felt utterly miserable. I could not wait to get back home as quickly as possible and started to return before I had even found the others.

To make my day completely “perfect”, the bus from Schöneweide to Märkisches Museum was completely packed with people (I had even deliberately missed two of them because they were so full) and NOBODY was wearing masks, and nobody was checking. Berlin is pathetic that way. I should probably go and live on a deserted island but for now, I will just hibernate and treat my home as one.