Tag Archives: Asia Mei

How to turn a bad day into a good day: go and have a look at the sea

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I belong to the dying-out demographic that has not destroyed my hearing by playing loud music directly into my ear canals. Therefore, it happens more and more often that I have to leave gym classes because the music is played much too ear-splittingly loud, and if noone else complains, the trainer is not inclined to turn it down.

It had to happen here too, so this morning, I was glad to have ordered a gym mat from amazon one of the first days – and that it was delivered within two days ….. This enabled Gabi Fastner to come to the rescue again-again-again so the morning was not completely wasted.

The only items on my afternoon programme were talks or lectures or seminars or whatever they were and I am increasingly skipping those. That sort of information is googlable so I prefer to be out walking and making the best of being near the sea.

I hopped on one of the local buses for the first time, in order to save time. As a very nice service, guests at the clinic – and, I assume, in the other reha clinics on the peninsula of which there are quite a few – can use the buses for free.

My walk on Mapmywalk here. My total for today was a little over 16 km.

I ended up having an absurdly early dinner, since the last bus returned to the clinic shortly after 18.00 hrs. Apparently, nobody goes out to dinner in winter in Sankt Peter-Ording :-). Next time, I think I will just walk the four-five km back to the clinic, although that would mostly be in total darkness, but better than having to eat dinner so early and so quickly.

By the way, I had dinner in Vietnamese restaurant Asia Mei (amazingly, they don’t seem to have a website) and will probably go again despite the relative blandness of the food (for want of more spicy options here). I remember also eating there a couple of times when I was here five years ago.

To the photos of the day: I finally seem to be getting the hang of the panorama function of my camera: