Difficult times to be living in Germany as a non-German

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I have always refused to take sides in the Arab-Israeli conflict (not least because I don’t know enough about it – does anyone?), and I have found both sides equally intransigent, vengeful, and unwilling to resolve it.

As someone who does not understand religion myself, and finds that it, paired with nationalism, is the root cause of most problems in the world, I never have and never will pick my friends (nor my enemies, for that matter :-)) according to their religion.

Currently, it seems to me that the Israelis are using Hamas as an excuse and what they really want is to eliminate all non-Jews from Gaza. That is called ethnic cleansing.

But in Germany, any attempt at impartiality brands you as anti-semitic, and expressing one little pip-squeak critical of the Israeli government is perceived as support to Hamas.

I actually find that offensive and, quite frankly, absurd. Most people should know me better than that.