Guided walk and concert in Neuruppin Sunday, 3 September

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A great daytrip very well organised by Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte, including bus to and from Neuruppin, time for a bit of a walkabout in a very interesting area which I had never heard of before, and which offered some opportunities for a bit of “experimental” photography, a guided walk in Neuruppin, more “free time” with the opportunity to buy drinks and a little bit to eat, and a concert in Hangar-321 – a most interesting concert and event venue – with Olli Bott Trio.

On the guided tour I saw several fountains in full swing, so it is not only in Berlin that they have not yet realised what a valuable resource water is (or they just don’t care) and insist on wasting water big time.

But there is a Sequoia in Neuruppin :-).

I was unprepared what to find there so I did not have the right lens(es) with me. Also, my utter incompetence when it comes to photographing people shines through the photos of the musicians, but since I was seated in the front row and in a corner where it would not bother others much, and despite the microphones being in the way, I thought I would give it a try. No harm in experimenting :-).