Sunday walk from S Lichtenrade to S Marienfelde

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The route on MapMyWalk here.

Today’s walk, organised by Lisa K., took us through, a.o., Freizeitpark Marienfelde, a kind of nature reserve which I definitely want to visit again with my camera and longest lense.

Another pleasant walk which ended in Restaurant Masseria da Rocco, a very nice, classic Italian restaurant with good food, reasonable prices and extremely friendly staff. A few minutes walk from S Marienfelde. Big enough to easily accommodate 16 people with not much prior notice.

I managed to delude myself that walking 9.97 km, and the fact that it was Sunday, and that I had had only a salad of raw veg and tahini dressing for breakfast justified a (delicious) dish of pasta and shrimp.

A most enjoyable Sunday.

Photos to come.