Hamburger Bahnhof, Europacity, and Haus Kunst Mitte

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I wanted to catch two exhibitions closing this week: “Under Construction” at Hamburger Bahnhof, and the current exhibits in Haus Kunst Mitte. While I was in the area, I took a look at “Europacity”, a whole new part of Berlin which has sprung up over the last five or so years, with an unbelievably large number of apartment blocks and some shops and nice cafés and other eateries. The area is clearly still under development.

My route on MapMyWalk here. (I did not have my phone with me on the walk inside Hamburger Bahnhof. Since the cases of vandalism of museum pieces, most museums no longer allow even the smallest of handbags inside.

This work by Anselm Kiefer at Hamburger Bahnhof is not part of the exhibition I went to see, but I have always loved it and it bears seeing again and again:

This one is from the exhibition “Under Construction”:

Walking through “Europacity”:

The walk also took me through the cemetery in Invalidenstraße with a gruesome history in more ways than one, and past the watch tower in Kieler Straße 2, now a memorial. The Berlin Wall went straight through the length of the cemetery.

The “Haus Kunst Mitte” has appeared under my radar so it was definitely time to check it out. It seems like an interesting place worth keeping an eye on.

And finally, yet another ghost bike in Berlin. The most tragic of sights in recent history: