A great Sunday morning on Tempelhofer Feld

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The best dog park within walking distance, but only on days where the weather is relatively good. It is a five km walk to get there, and also, because it is such a vast open space, it can get really windy there, and SO cold.

Today was lovely and sunny so off we went for the first time in months.

Max badly needed this since he had been deprived of proper exercise on both Friday and Saturday. The supply and delivery of groceries is really affected by the number of people in isolation due to Covid. I had therefore ordered new supplies of his food a week ealier than normally but still, DHL managed to screw that up.

First I was informed it would arrive on Friday, and then on Friday evening I was informed it would arrive on Saturday. So I stayed at home both days, since it is a big and heavy delivery, so I did not want to end up having to go and pick it up in some strange place miles away.

In the meantime, I ran out of dog food and since I did not want to leave home in order to go out and buy some decent-quality food for him, I had to have dog food delivered by one of those services that deliver within an hour or two, and the quality of the food one can find from those places is not good. So not only did Max not go on proper walks (only in the courtyard and back and forth in the street not too far from home), but he also had to eat crappy food.

On Saturday evening, I was informed that the delivery will arrive on Monday. So it all starts all over again. Perhaps DHL should stop accepting packages until such time that they are able to cope again instead of making life miserable for us all and our dogs.

A couple of videos:

Max enjoyed being back there.

As did I.