Tag Archives: Anti-vaxxers

Really? I am “living in fear”?

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……. and if yes – why do they say that like it’s a bad thing?

One of the most annoying expressions that has come to fame in the last couple of years, and that I have been tired of right from the beginning is “living in fear”, “I refuse to live in fear” (and the derivative: being asked “are you afraid right now?”).

I am doing what I can to avoid catching Covid19 (or any other disease for that matter, since – largely thanks to the anti-vaxxers ((who funnily enough suddenly believe in science when they need a hospital bed and life-saving treatment)) the health care systems are overwhelmed and don’t have the capacity to deal properly with anything other than Corona patients) – does that mean I am living in fear?

I also look left, right, and left again before crossing the street. Does that mean I am living in fear?

One more word about anti-vaxxers

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I don’t understand the by now eternal argument that if anti-vaxxers should have to pay for their treatment, alternatively be denied help, if they get infected with Corona, then smokers, alcoholics and drug users should too. ????? That has nothing to do with anything. Covid19 is a VIRUS – not a product foisted upon us by industries, including the advertising industry, who make fortunes exploiting “human weakness” for want of a better term, and by government negligence.

Incidentally, if they don’t believe in science, why do expect access to a hospital bed and life-saving treatment?

It is because of the high number of anti-vaxxers that we are now experiencing a fourth wave, that we are all facing restrictions, and individuals as well as most sectors of society suffering even further economic hardship. With their bloody-mindedness, or worse – some inane conspiracy theory – they are completely ignoring the fact that a lot of us only exist because at some point or other our parents were vaccinated against one disease or other and/or took the decision to have us vaccinated.

And by the way, “herd immunity” is achieved by VACCINATING a population – not by EXPOSING them to a disease.