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Determined to (re-)train Max to use public transport (sorry Max, but it has to be done), which for some reason is more difficult this time around, I took him on the same trip as on Sunday. He loved the area so I hope that if we do that trip regularly for a while, he will end up associating it with a fun and positive experience.

He was even more jittery on the train this time, and I had to keep a firm grip, since a couple of times he suddenly out of the blue lunged and barked at people who were standing completely still. This is new. Up to now, he has had problems with people moving quickly. Never a dull moment.

Anyway, it being Tuesday, there were not as many dogs around to play with as on Sunday but there were a few, and Max was in his element. This time, we walked a bit more in the forest, but he still kept an eye on me most of the time, and at one point where I lost sight of him, he appeared very quickly when I whistled. His recall is really good especially when he is not engaging with new canine acquaintances.

We walked around the small lake Hubertussee this time. I saw a lot of birds there, so I might even go back one day with my real camera and without Max (trying to focus on taking real photos with Max around is still not working – I am not sure it ever will, unfortunately, but we’ll see).

Our route on Mapmywalk here. The walk seems a little bit more tiring than just 8 km, since some of it is in sand which makes it feel a little heavy.