Walks to Berlin’s landmarks

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I will be organising walks to Berlin’s landmarks such as bridges, towers, parks, remnants of The Wall, stations, notable buildings old and new, Stolpersteine and other memorials, street art, and anything else that might be of interest, things that we have perhaps rushed by without really noticing, within one walkable area at a time, area by area. My sources will be the series in Tagesspiegel on Berlin’s towers, bridges and parks; the books: Ein Jahrhundert Berliner U-Bahn; Berlins Bahnhöfe gestern, heute, morgen; Geisterbahnhöfe, by Heinz Knobloch, Michael Richter and Götz Thomas Wenzel; Berlin.dk (in Danish), by Ole Blegvad og Rasmus Funder; Die schönsten Berliner Stadtspaziergänge, 101 Berlin – Geheimtipps und Top-Ziele für Entdecker; Mauerweg – Stories from the Berlin Wall Trail, by Paul Scraton and Paul Sullivan; 100 favourite places: http://www.slowtravelberlin.com/100-favourite-places/; Stolpersteine in Berlin – 12 Kietzspaziergänge; and websites such as www.abandoned-berlin.de; www.stolpersteine-berlin.de… this list is by no means exhaustive, and I am sure I will be adding to it from time to time and will also be very grateful for any tips anyone might have.

The walks will be posted as activities in this group on InterNations, and details will be posted here. As I am neither a historian, an architect, nor a tour guide, I will not be holding lectures along the way, so it may be a good idea to read the description of the walk beforehand.

We will of course make pitstops during and after the walks as needed and as opportunity arises.

Language: These are InterNations.org events, so the language is English.

Walk number 3 – memorials and architecture on the edges of Tiergarten

Walk number 2 – from Märkisches Ufer through Luisenstadt to Oberbaumbrücke

Walk number 1 – Charlottenburg.